2. 对原为中国公民,后加入外国国籍者,需符合《教育部关于规范我高等学校接受国际学生有关工作的通知》(教外函〔2020〕12号)规定。
3. 须具有学士学位。
4. 语言要求:
专业类别 | 专业 | 年学费标准
(元/年) |
文科和经济、管理类 | 所有(MBA除外) | 22,000 |
理、工类 | 所有 | 25,000 |
药学/公共卫生学 | 26,000 |
口腔医学 | 40,000 | |
临床医学 | 50,000 | |
艺术、体育类 | 所有 | 50,000 |
考古学 | 所有 | 26,000 |
MBA工商管理硕士 | 所有 | 39,200 |
IMEM工程管理硕士 | 所有 | 39,000 |
学院 | 专业 | 授课语言 | 学制(年) |
College | Major | Medium of Instruction | Education System(year) |
材料科学与工程学院 | 材料科学与工程 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Materials Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | Chinese | |
道教与宗教文化研究所 | 宗教学 | 汉语 | 3 |
Institute of religious studies | Religious Studies | Chinese | |
电气工程学院 | 电气工程 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Electrical Engineering and Information | Electric engineering | Chinese | |
电气工程学院 | 控制工程 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Electrical Engineering and Information | Control engineering | Chinese | |
电气工程学院 | 控制科学与工程 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Electrical Engineering and Information | Control Science and Engineering | Chinese | |
电子信息学院 | 电磁场与微波技术 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Electronics and Information Engineering | Electromagnetic field and microwave technology | Chinese | |
电子信息学院 | 电路与系统 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Electronics and Information Engineering | Electronic circuit and system | Chinese | |
电子信息学院 | 光电子技术 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Electronics and Information Engineering | Optoelectronic technology | Chinese | |
电子信息学院 | 通信与信息系统 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Electronics and Information Engineering | Communication and information system | Chinese | |
电子信息学院 | 信号与信息处理 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Electronics and Information Engineering | Signal and information processing | Chinese | |
电子信息学院 | 智能信息系统 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Electronics and Information Engineering | Intelligent Information System | Chinese | |
电子信息学院 | 物理电子学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Electronics and Information Engineering | Physical Electronics | Chinese | |
电子信息学院 | 光通信与先进激光技术 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Electronics and Information Engineering | Optical communication and advanced laser technology | Chinese | |
电子信息学院 | 光信息处理技术 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Electronics and Information Engineering | optical information processing technique | Chinese | |
电子信息学院 | 微电子学与固体电子学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Electronics and Information Engineering | Microelectronics and solid state electronics | Chinese | |
法学院 | 法律史 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Law | Legal history | Chinese | |
法学院 | 法学理论 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Law | Jurisprudence | Chinese | |
法学院 | 国际法学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Law | International Law | Chinese | |
法学院 | 环境与资源保护法学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Law | Law science of environmental protection and natural resource science | Chinese | |
法学院 | 经济法学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Law | Economic law | Chinese | |
法学院 | 民商法学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Law | Civil Law and Commercial Law | Chinese | |
法学院 | 诉讼法学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Law | Litigation law | Chinese | |
法学院 | 宪法学与行政法学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Law | Constitutional Law and Administrative Law | Chinese | |
法学院 | 刑法学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Law | Criminal law | Chinese | |
法学院 | 马克思主义理论 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Law | Marxist theory | Chinese | |
公共管理学院 | 公共政策 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Public Administration | Public Policy | Chinese | |
公共管理学院 | 社会保障 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Public Administration | Social insurance | Chinese | |
公共管理学院 | 社会学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Public Administration | Sociology | Chinese | |
公共管理学院 | 图书情报(专硕) | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Public Administration | Library and information(Professional Master’s Degree) | Chinese | |
公共管理学院 | 信息资源管理 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Public Administration | Information Resource Management | Chinese | |
公共管理学院 | 应急管理 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Public Administration | Emergency Management | Chinese | |
公共管理学院 | 土地资源管理 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Public Administration | Land Resources Management | Chinese | |
公共管理学院 | 行政管理 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Public Administration | Public administration | Chinese | |
公共管理学院 | 应用心理 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Public Administration | Applied psychology | Chinese | |
公共管理学院 | 社会工作 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Public Administration | Social Work | Chinese | |
公共管理学院 | 干部教育学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Public Administration | Cadre education | Chinese | |
国际关系学院 | 国际政治 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of International Studies | INTERNATIONAL POLITICS | Chinese | |
国际关系学院 | 政治学理论 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of International Studies | Political Theory | Chinese | |
国际关系学院 | 国际关系 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of International Studies | International Relation | Chinese | |
国际关系学院 | 外交学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of International Studies | Diplomacy | Chinese | |
华西口腔医学院 | 口腔基础医学(学硕) | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Stomatology | Basic science of stomatology(Academic Master’s degree) | Chinese | |
华西口腔医学院 | 口腔临床医学(学硕) | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Stomatology | Clinical science of stomatology(Academic Master’s degree) | Chinese | |
华西口腔医学院 | 口腔医学(专硕) | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Stomatology | Stomatology(Professional Master’s Degree) | Chinese | |
华西公共卫生学院 | 公共卫生 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Public Health | Public Health | Chinese | |
华西公共卫生学院 | 公共卫生与预防医学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Public Health | Public Health and Preventive Medicine | Chinese | |
华西基础医学与法医学院 | 病理学与病理生理学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of preclinical medicine and forensic medicine | Pathology and Pathophysiology | Chinese | |
华西基础医学与法医学院 | 病原生物学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of preclinical medicine and forensic medicine | Pathogenic Biology | Chinese | |
华西基础医学与法医学院 | 法医学 | 汉语 | 2.5 |
West China School of preclinical medicine and forensic medicine | Forensic medicine | Chinese | |
华西基础医学与法医学院 | 免疫学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of preclinical medicine and forensic medicine | Immunology | Chinese | |
华西基础医学与法医学院 | 人体解剖与组织胚胎学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of preclinical medicine and forensic medicine | Human Anatomy Histology and Embryology | Chinese | |
华西基础医学与法医学院 | 医学生物工程学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of preclinical medicine and forensic medicine | Medical Bioengineering | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 超声医学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Ultrasound | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 儿科学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Pediatrics | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 儿外科学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Pediatric Surgery | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 耳鼻咽喉科学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Otorhinolaryngology | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 放射影像学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Radiologic Imaging | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 放射治疗物理技术 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Radiation Physics and Technique | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 放射肿瘤学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Radiation Oncology | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 妇产科学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Obstetrics and gynecology | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 骨科学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Orthopedics Surgery | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 核医学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Nuclear Medicine | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 呼吸治疗 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Respiratory Care | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 护理学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Nursing | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 基础护理学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Fundamental Nursing | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 急诊医学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Emergency medicine | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 疾病分子与转化医学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Disease-Related Molecular and Translational Medicine | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 精神病与精神卫生学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Psychiatry and Mental Health | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 康复医学与理疗学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Rehabilitation medicine & physical therapy | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 老年医学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Geriatrics | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 临床护理学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Clinical Nursing | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 临床检验诊断学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Clinical laboratory diagnostics | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 临床营养 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Clinical Nutrition | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 麻醉学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Anesthesiology | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 母婴医学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Maternal and child medical | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 内科学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Internal medicine | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 皮肤病与性病学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Dermatology and venereology | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 全科医学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | General Medicine | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 社区护理学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Community Nursing | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 神经病学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Neurology | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 外科学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | General Surgery | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 循证医学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Evidence-based medicine | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 眼科学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Ophthalmology | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 医学工程技术 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Medical Engineering Technology | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 医学遗传学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Medical Genetics | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 移植科学与工程学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Transplant science and Engineering | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 影像医学与核医学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Imaging and Nuclear Medicine | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 运动医学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Sports medicine | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 中西医结合基础 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Basic Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 中西医结合临床 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Basic Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 肿瘤学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Phymatology | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 重症医学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Critical Care Medicine | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 护理 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Nursing | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 康复治疗技术 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Rehabilitation Technique | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 高原医学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | high altitude medicine | Chinese | |
华西临床医学院 | 人类重大疾病生物治疗 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Clinical Medicine | Major human disease biological treatment | Chinese | |
华西药学院 | 临床药学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Pharmacy | Clinical pharmacy | Chinese | |
华西药学院 | 天然药物化学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Pharmacy | Natural medicine chemistry | Chinese | |
华西药学院 | 药学 | 汉语 | 3 |
West China School of Pharmacy | Pharmacy | Chinese | |
化学工程学院 | 工业催化 | 英语 | 3 |
College of Chemical Engineering | Industrial Catalysis | English | |
化学工程学院 | 化工安全工程与技术 | 英语 | 3 |
College of Chemical Engineering | Chemical safety engineering and technology | English | |
化学工程学院 | 化工过程机械 | 英语 | 3 |
College of Chemical Engineering | Chemical process equipment | English | |
化学工程学院 | 化学工程 | 英语 | 3 |
College of Chemical Engineering | Chemical engineering | English | |
化学工程学院 | 化学工艺 | 英语 | 3 |
College of Chemical Engineering | Chemical technology | English | |
化学工程学院 | 化学冶金与材料技术 | 英语 | 3 |
College of Chemical Engineering | Chemical Metallurgy and Materials Technology | English | |
化学工程学院 | 生物化工 | 英语 | 3 |
College of Chemical Engineering | Biochemical engineering | English | |
化学工程学院 | 应用化学 | 英语 | 3 |
College of Chemical Engineering | Applied chemistry | English | |
化学学院 | 化学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Chemistry | Chemical | Chinese | |
机械工程学院 | 机械工程(测试技术与仪器) | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering(Measurement Technology and Instruments) | Chinese | |
机械工程学院 | 机械工程(测试技术与仪器) | 英语 | 3 |
School of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering(Measurement Technology and Instruments) | English | |
机械工程学院 | 机械工程(机械电子工程 ) | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering(Mechatronics) | Chinese | |
机械工程学院 | 机械工程(机械电子工程 ) | 英语 | 3 |
School of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering(Mechatronics) | English | |
机械工程学院 | 机械工程(机械设计及理论 ) | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering(Mechanical Design and Theory) | Chinese | |
机械工程学院 | 机械工程(机械设计及理论 ) | 英语 | 3 |
School of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering(Mechanical Design and Theory) | English | |
机械工程学院 | 机械工程(机械制造及其自动化 ) | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering(Mechanical manufacture and automation) | Chinese | |
机械工程学院 | 机械工程(机械制造及其自动化) | 英语 | 3 |
School of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering(Mechanical manufacture and automation) | English | |
机械工程学院 | 机械工程(先进材料成形技术) | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering(Adavanced Materials Forming Technology ) | Chinese | |
机械工程学院 | 机械工程(先进材料成形技术) | 英语 | 3 |
School of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering(Adavanced Materials Forming Technology) | English | |
计算机学院 | 计算机科学与技术 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Computer Science | Computer science and technology | Chinese | |
建筑与环境学院 | 流体力学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Architecture and Environment | Hydrodynamics | Chinese | |
建筑与环境学院 | 工程力学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Architecture and Environment | Engineering mechanics | Chinese | |
建筑与环境学院 | 固体力学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Architecture and Environment | Solid mechanics | Chinese | |
建筑与环境学院 | 环境工程 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Architecture and Environment | Environmental engineering | Chinese | |
建筑与环境学院 | 环境工程 | 英语 | 3 |
College of Architecture and Environment | Environmental engineering | English | |
建筑与环境学院 | 土木工程 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Architecture and Environment | Civil engineering | Chinese | |
建筑与环境学院 | 土木工程 | 英语 | 3 |
College of Architecture and Environment | Civil engineering | English | |
建筑与环境学院 | 安全科学与减灾 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Architecture and Environment | Safety Science and Disaster Reduction | Chinese | |
经济学院 | 财政学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Economics | Cameralistics | Chinese | |
经济学院 | 产业经济学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Economics | Industrial economics | Chinese | |
经济学院 | 国际贸易学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Economics | International trade | Chinese | |
经济学院 | 国际贸易学 | 英语 | 3 |
School of Economics | International trade | English | |
经济学院 | 国民经济学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Economics | National economics | Chinese | |
经济学院 | 金融学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Economics | Finance | Chinese | |
经济学院 | 区域经济学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Economics | Regional economics | Chinese | |
经济学院 | 世界经济 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Economics | World Economy | Chinese | |
经济学院 | 西方经济学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Economics | Western economics | Chinese | |
经济学院 | 政治经济学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Economics | Plutonomy | Chinese | |
历史文化学院(旅游学院、考古文博学院) | 考古学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of History and Culture (Tourism,Archaeology and Museology) | Archaeology | Chinese | |
历史文化学院(旅游学院、考古文博学院) | 考古学 | 英语 | 3 |
College of History and Culture (Tourism,Archaeology and Museology) | Archaeology | English | |
历史文化学院(旅游学院、考古文博学院) | 旅游管理 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of History and Culture (Tourism,Archaeology and Museology) | Tourism management | Chinese | |
历史文化学院(旅游学院、考古文博学院) | 旅游管理 | 英语 | 3 |
College of History and Culture (Tourism,Archaeology and Museology) | Tourism management | English | |
历史文化学院(旅游学院、考古文博学院) | 民族学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of History and Culture (Tourism,Archaeology and Museology) | Ethnology | Chinese | |
历史文化学院(旅游学院、考古文博学院) | 世界史 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of History and Culture (Tourism,Archaeology and Museology) | World history | Chinese | |
历史文化学院(旅游学院、考古文博学院) | 中国史 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of History and Culture (Tourism,Archaeology and Museology) | Chinese history | Chinese | |
轻工科学与工程学院 | 轻工技术与工程 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Biomass Science and Engineering | The Light Industry Technology and Engineering | Chinese | |
商学院 | 工程管理 | 汉语 | 2 |
Business School | Engineering management | Chinese | |
商学院 | 工程管理 | 英语 | 2 |
Business School | Engineering management | English | |
商学院 | 工商管理 | 汉语 | 2.5 |
Business School | Business administration | Chinese | |
商学院 | 工商管理 | 英语 | 2.5 |
Business School | Business administration | English | |
商学院 | 公司金融 | 英语 | 3 |
Business School | Corporate finance | English | |
商学院 | 管理科学与工程 | 汉语 | 3 |
Business School | Management science and engineering | Chinese | |
商学院 | 管理科学与工程 | 英语 | 3 |
Business School | Management science and engineering | English | |
商学院 | 会计学 | 汉语 | 3 |
Business School | Accounting | Chinese | |
商学院 | 会计学 | 英语 | 3 |
Business School | Accounting | English | |
商学院 | 企业管理 | 汉语 | 3 |
Business School | Enterprise Management | Chinese | |
商学院 | 企业管理 | 英语 | 3 |
Business School | Enterprise Management | English | |
生命科学学院 | 生态学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Life Sciences | Ecology | Chinese | |
生命科学学院 | 生物学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Life Sciences | Biology | Chinese | |
数学学院 | 概率论与数理统计 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Mathematics | Probability and mathematical statistics | Chinese | |
数学学院 | 概率论与数理统计 | 英语 | 3 |
School of Mathematics | Probability and mathematical statistics | English | |
数学学院 | 基础数学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Mathematics | Fundamental mathematics | Chinese | |
数学学院 | 基础数学 | 英语 | 3 |
School of Mathematics | Fundamental mathematics | English | |
数学学院 | 计算数学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Mathematics | Computational mathematics | Chinese | |
数学学院 | 计算数学 | 英语 | 3 |
School of Mathematics | Computational mathematics | English | |
数学学院 | 统计学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Mathematics | Statistics | Chinese | |
数学学院 | 统计学 | 英语 | 3 |
School of Mathematics | Statistics | English | |
数学学院 | 应用数学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Mathematics | Applied mathematics | Chinese | |
数学学院 | 应用数学 | 英语 | 3 |
School of Mathematics | Applied mathematics | English | |
数学学院 | 运筹学与控制论 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Mathematics | Operational Research and Cybernetics | Chinese | |
数学学院 | 运筹学与控制论 | 英语 | 3 |
School of Mathematics | Operational Research and Cybernetics | English | |
水利水电工程学院 | 水利工程(港口、海岸及近海工程) | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Water Resource and Hydropower | Water Conservancy Engineering (Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering) | Chinese | |
水利水电工程学院 | 水利工程(能源工程及电站动力系统) | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Water Resource and Hydropower | Water Conservancy Engineering (Energy Engineering and Power Plant System) | Chinese | |
水利水电工程学院 | 水利工程(水工结构工程) | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Water Resource and Hydropower | Water Conservancy Engineering (Hydraulic Structure Engineering) | Chinese | |
水利水电工程学院 | 水利工程(水力学及河流动力学) | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Water Resource and Hydropower | Water Conservancy Engineering (Hydraulics and River Dynamics) | Chinese | |
水利水电工程学院 | 水利工程(水利水电工程) | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Water Resource and Hydropower | Water Conservancy Engineering (Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering) | Chinese | |
水利水电工程学院 | 水利工程(水文学及水资源) | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Water Resource and Hydropower | Water Conservancy Engineering (Hydrology and Water Resources) | Chinese | |
体育学院 | 民族传统体育学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Physical Education | Ethnic traditional sports | Chinese | |
体育学院 | 体育教学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Physical Education | Physical Education | Chinese | |
体育学院 | 体育人文社会学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Physical Education | Humane and sociological science of sports | Chinese | |
体育学院 | 体育教育训练学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Physical Education | Physical Education and Sports Coaching | Chinese | |
体育学院 | 运动人体科学 | 汉语 | 3 |
School of Physical Education | Human Movement Science | Chinese | |
外国语学院 | 俄语语言文学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Foreign Languages and Cultures | Russian language and literature | Chinese | |
外国语学院 | 法语语言文学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Foreign Languages and Cultures | French language and literature | Chinese | |
外国语学院 | 日语语言文学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Foreign Languages and Cultures | Japanese language and literature | Chinese | |
外国语学院 | 英语语言文学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Foreign Languages and Cultures | English language and literature | Chinese | |
外国语学院 | 英语语言文学 | 英语 | 3 |
College of Foreign Languages and Cultures | English language and literature | English | |
网络空间安全学院 | 网络空间安全 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Cybersecurity | Cyber Security | Chinese | |
文学与新闻学院 | 比较文学与世界文学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Literature and Journalism | Comparative Literature and World Literature | Chinese | |
文学与新闻学院 | 出版 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Literature and Journalism | Publishing | Chinese | |
文学与新闻学院 | 传播学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Literature and Journalism | Communication | Chinese | |
文学与新闻学院 | 广播电视新闻学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Literature and Journalism | Radio and Television Journalism | Chinese | |
文学与新闻学院 | 汉语国际教育 | 汉语 | 2 |
College of Literature and Journalism | TCSOL | Chinese | |
文学与新闻学院 | 汉语言文字学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Literature and Journalism | Chinese Philology | Chinese | |
文学与新闻学院 | 文学人类学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Literature and Journalism | Literary anthropology | Chinese | |
文学与新闻学院 | 语言学及应用语言学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Literature and Journalism | Linguistics and Applied Linguistics | Chinese | |
物理学院 | 等离子体物理 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Physical Science and Technology | Plasma physical | Chinese | |
物理学院 | 光学 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Physical Science and Technology | Optics | Chinese | |
物理学院 | 核技术及应用 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Physical Science and Technology | Nuclear Technology and Applications | Chinese | |
物理学院 | 理论物理 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Physical Science and Technology | Theoretical physics | Chinese | |
物理学院 | 粒子物理与原子核物理 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Physical Science and Technology | Particle physics and nuclear physics | Chinese | |
物理学院 | 粒子物理与原子核物理 | 英语 | 3 |
College of Physical Science and Technology | Particle physics and nuclear physics | English | |
物理学院 | 核能科学与工程 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Physical Science and Technology | Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering | Chinese | |
物理学院 | 核能科学与工程 | 英语 | 3 |
College of Physical Science and Technology | Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering | English | |
物理学院 | 凝聚态物理 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Physical Science and Technology | Condensed matter physics | Chinese | |
物理学院 | 原子与分子物理 | 汉语 | 3 |
College of Physical Science and Technology | Molecular and atomic physics | Chinese | |
艺术学院 | 视觉传达设计(专硕) | 汉语 | 3 |
Arts College | Visual Communication Design(Professional Master’s Degree) | Chinese | |
艺术学院 | 环境艺术设计(专硕) | 汉语 | 3 |
Arts College | Environmental Art Design(Professional Master’s Degree) | Chinese | |
艺术学院 | 中国画创作研究(专硕) | 汉语 | 3 |
Arts College | The study of Chinese painting creation(Professional Master’s Degree) | Chinese | |
艺术学院 | 书法创作研究(专硕) | 汉语 | 3 |
Arts College | Study of calligraphy creation(Professional Master’s Degree) | Chinese | |
艺术学院 | 当代美术创作研究(专硕) | 汉语 | 3 |
Arts College | Research on Contemporary Art Creation(Professional Master’s Degree) | Chinese | |
艺术学院 | 艺术历史、理论与批评研究 | 汉语 | 3 |
Arts College | Art History,Theory & Criticism | Chinese | |
艺术学院 | 中国现当代艺术研究 | 汉语 | 3 |
Arts College | Research on Modern & Contemporary Chinese Art | Chinese | |
艺术学院 | 设计理论与历史研究 | 汉语 | 3 |
Arts College | Design Theory & History | Chinese | |
艺术学院 | 西南区域艺术研究 | 汉语 | 3 |
Arts College | Research on the Art of Southwest China | Chinese | |
艺术学院 | 设计与新媒介艺术 | 汉语 | 3 |
Arts College | Design and New Media Art | Chinese | |
艺术学院 | 西南传统工艺与当代转换研究 | 汉语 | 3 |
Arts College | Studies in the Contemporary Transformation of Southwestern Traditional Craft Art | Chinese | |
艺术学院 | 公共艺术与环境景观设计研究 | 汉语 | 3 |
Arts College | Studies in Public Art and Environmental Landscape Design | Chinese | |
哲学系 | 科学技术哲学 | 汉语 | 3 |
Philosophy Department | Philosophy of Science and Technology | Chinese | |
哲学系 | 伦理学 | 汉语 | 3 |
Philosophy Department | Ethics | Chinese | |
哲学系 | 逻辑学 | 汉语 | 3 |
Philosophy Department | Logic | Chinese | |
哲学系 | 马克思主义哲学 | 汉语 | 3 |
Philosophy Department | Marxist philosophy | Chinese | |
哲学系 | 外国哲学 | 汉语 | 3 |
Philosophy Department | Foreign philosophies | Chinese | |
哲学系 | 中国哲学 | 汉语 | 3 |
Philosophy Department | Chinese philosophy | Chinese |
电话|+86-185 6260 8068